Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Round Top Spotlight, Mindy, Maggie & Lilly

Today I'll show you Mindy's space first.

Some final touches

Pretty pretty

Right next to Mindy's tent is
Maggie & Lilly's place

Eye candy everywhere

Next Post, Teresa Cano's spot


Prior said...

oh, that Dr. Pepper sign is great! Margo, I did a party the other day with old books as the centerpiece and made me think of your son's upcoming wedding. I posted about it when you have time to take a peek! I'm gonna have to make a trip to Round Top!

David said...

Great pics, Margo! We could sleep in the bulldog trailer, but haven't yet. It would certainly be easy to add a cot or two or even just a blow up mattress.

Mindy said...

Ah ha! Thank you for taking some good pics and showcasing my space at Zapp! I was glad to hear you were happy with your first jaunt to the big shows. ~Mindy

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